7.9. For the purposes of this Part and the regulations, the following rules apply in respect of a property that is, at any time, subject to a usufruct, right of use or substitution:(a) the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be, is deemed to be at that time a trust or, if the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be, is created by will, a trust created by will;
(b) the property is deemedi. if the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be, arises on the death of a testator, to have been transferred to the trust on and as a consequence of the death of the testator, and not otherwise, and
ii. if the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be, arises otherwise, to have been transferred — at the time it first became subject to the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be — to the trust by the person who granted the usufruct, right of use or substitution; and
(c) the property is deemed to be, throughout the period in which it is subject to the usufruct, right of use or substitution, as the case may be, held by the trust, and not otherwise.